Wednesday 1 February 2017

LO1 Exploring possible adaptions

Mad Men

A) Suitability for new medium

Mad Men is a long running television series aired on the AMC network. It is an American period drama. Mad Men has been running in the medium of TV episodes since 2007 and ended in 2015. This means Mad Mens fan base would be ready for a reboot or another medium for Mad Men. This makes Mad Men very suitable for a new medium.  I think that a medium such as graphic novel could be very suitable for a Mad Men.

B). Possible constraints and opportunities

To adapt Mad Men there would be the possible constraint of permissions from AMC as it is one of there most popular television series' they are unlikely to just allow anyone to make adaptions. Another constraint could be Mad Men's period setting, this will make the production of a graphic novel more difficult as there would have to be a lot more research into settings and objects.

As Mad Men is a television series it is already set up in the schedule of episodes which is an opportunity as that would make production of a graphic novel series a lot simpler. Another opportunity could be that the audience of the original could help create a solid foundation for an audience of the adaption.

C). Target audience

The target audience for Mad Men is men and women of any ethnicity and of A,B,C1 demographic. Mad Men fan base would be the majority of the target audience, however it would also include first time readers who have never seen Mad Men. This target audience is both rewarding for the adaption and the original as when someone new to Mad Men, reads the adaption they may want to watch the TV series and people who have finished the TV series may want to go and read the adaption.